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Ama's America is Brazil, not the United States. Racism in Brazil and elsewhere in the African diaspora is discussed in texts on other pages.  To build a comprehensive web page on racism in the U.S. and world-wide, would be a major task and would require a breadth of knowledge and experience which I lack. Here are just a few thought-provoking  articles. I pose the question: what bearing, if any, does Ama's story have on contemporary racism in the U.S and elsewhere?


Small, Stephen, Racist Ideologies in Tibbles, Anthony (ed.), Transatlantic Slavery: Against Human Dignity, HMSO, 1994


The on-line history journal Common-place <www.common-place.org> devotes its entire July, 2001 issue to a deep and multi-faceted look at the tangled roots of race and slavery in the United States.

International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism  http://www.imadr.org